Elizabeth Metis Settlement
Our Land – Our Culture – Our Future
Welcome (Tawow) To Elizabeth Métis Settlement
Welcome (Tawow) to our website. Our community is situated along the Alberta/Saskatchewan border; a mere half an hour drive, or 36km, to the city of Cold Lake. We also share our southern border with the Fishing Lake Metis Settlement. Our closest neighbors also include: Beaverdam, Bonnyville, Cold Lake First Nations, Frog Lake, and Kehewin.
A municipal census of 2009 indicated a population of 820 people which was contrasted by the federal census of 2011, stating that the population was only at 654.
Elizabeth Settlement was founded in 1939.
Founded: 1939
Population: 653 (2016)
Region: Lakeland
Community Services
Department Services
(780) 594-5028
(780) 594-5026
(780) 594-5452
Mailing Address
Box 420
Cold Lake, Alberta
T9M 1P1
Cold Lake, Alberta
T9M 1P1