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The finance department is one of the busiest departments in the administration dealing with all funding that is received and dispersed out of the yearly budget, which is passed by the Settlement members. By this method the members of the community have input into how the yearly budget is spent and a process of accountability is adhered to. With the many different accounts that are needed to operate a community any changes to the budget during the fiscal year an amendment is needed and brought to the members who approve it. All expenditures, capital, cheques, cash disbursements and wages all go through the finance in order to keep a sound financial institute. Debit machine available.
Head of Finance:
Sharon Cardinal
These are some of the entity’s that are under Elizabeth Metis Settlement:
- Elizabeth Metis Settlement
- Strategic Training Initiatives (S.T.I)
- Infinity Internet Solution (Internet Service)
- E.M.S Agriculture Co-Op
- Redspring Holding
- Early Intervention Program (E.I.P)
- William Jacknife Society (Non-Profit Organization)
- Kanata
- Parent link
- Aboriginal Headstart >Keepa
- E.M.S Construction
- Early Childhood Development
- Humpty’s
Investments Property:
- 4 lots and 3.5 acres in Cold Lake
- Lots in Lloydminster
- 165 acres bordering the north side of the Settlement
All Settlement members under the rules and regulations of Revenue Canada are to pay taxes. We are non-treaty members living on a Métis Settlement. Any members that are living on the settlement and are private business owners have the benefit of deducting a quarter of their expenses when they are doing their taxes at the end of the year.